Tuesday, August 3, 2010

How to cures sleep apnea naturally

What is the most effective sleep apnea cures.Maybe the word comes from your mind when sleep apnea problems burden your family members or yourself.Is it sleep apnea can be cure naturally.This question maybe also in your mind.If you thinks that sleep apnea cures is very difficult to be found,please think it back.

Once again, i need to talk about the definition of sleep apnea.Sleep apnea can be defined as a pause of breathing during sleep for at least 10 second.In the period of sleep apnea event,the oxygen transport to the brain is reduced.Sleep apnea can be diagnosed by using polysomnogram or sleep study.How to diagnosed sleep apnea?It can be said that you are suffered from sleep apnea problem when sleep study have been done and found that five or more episodes per hour of any type of apnea is analyzed from sleep study or polysomnogram.The most common symptoms of sleep apnea is snoring while asleep,restless sleep, and sleepiness during the daytime.These symptoms can be thought as the indicator of sleep apnea problems.

The most common and the most reliable sleep apnea cures is the uses of CPAP device.CPAP stand for continuous positive airway pressure.How CPAP work? The theory behind CPAP device for sleep apnea cures is the device gets to 'splints' the patient's airway open during sleep by means of a flow of pressurized air into the throat.Its means that the pressurized air acts to forced your airways to be opened.To be functional,CPAP machine used a flexible tube.This flexible tubes than connect to a face mask where patient wears it.The disadvantages of CPAP machine is it is uncomfortable and difficult to comply (wears) with it while asleep.

How to cures sleep apnea naturally?

Think it back is it a natural sleep apnea cures are really exist.If i said that it really exist and than what do you think?I need to say that its really work for me. And i know the best for the answer.Is it choose a good sleep position can help you fight with sleep apnea?I like to read the journal on sleep apnea cures and found that it can be cures naturally.Sleep position have been thought to be effective natural sleep apnea cures.By choosing the right position such as sleep on your shoulder on the floor may enhance the breathing availability.Please avoid sleep on your back since it may cause your tongue to slide to the back of the throat.This will lead to the constriction of your airway and may obstruct breathing. People who have sleep apnea,please avoid sleep on their stomachs.

While playing with my mouse searching for natural sleep apnea cures, i found this journal..... which found that by losing your weight may cure sleep apnea.The reason of losing weight may cure sleep apnea are fat which deposits in the neck tissue will compress your airway and make it more prone to collapse and excessive fat in the abdomen makes the breathing muscles operate in inefficient manner which lead to breathing difficulty when sleeping.

Smoking and alcohol may also worsen your sleep apnea problems.Quit smoking and alcohol is a good decision since these habit may reduce your lung capacity in oxygen transport process.Don't worry on how to quit smoking.There is a lot of smoking cessation program and nicotine patch available nowadays.Just put in your mind the vision to stop it right now for your sleep apnea and for other health benefit.Sacrifice......

Allergies can be thought as one of the causes of sleep apnea problems and by treating this problems also may contributed to sleep apnea cures.Please consult your medical doctor on before choosing the best medication to treated your allergies.The last tips on natural sleep apnea cures that i want to share with you is by using the correct pillow.The pillow may correct your head and neck position while asleep. The pillow also known as SONA or CPAP pillows that have a unique wedge-shaped, cradling design.

Stop suffering from sleep apnea problems and choose the right one of sleep apnea cures.Do something about your snoring and sleep apnea.My snoring burden myself and i have found the tips work for me.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

How Actually Sleep Apnea Occur

Sleep apnea is a chronic medical condition where the affected person repeatedly stops breathing during sleep.The affected person may stop breathing for at least 10 second.In this period of time, the level of oxygen transport to the brain will be drop.Sleep apnea generally can be caused by obstruction of the upper airway and a failure of the brain to initiate a breath.Obstruction of the upper airway contributed to obstructive sleep apnea whereas failure of the brain to initiate a breath resulting in central sleep apnea .

Among this two type of sleep apnea,the most common type is obstructive sleep apnea. Its means that you are unable to get enough air through your mouth and nose into your lungs. When that occurs, the oxygen's amount in your blood may drop. Normal breaths resume with a snort or choking sound. People with sleep apnea often snore loudly. However, not everyone who snores has sleep apnea.

Initially, partial obstruction may occur and lead to snoring. As tissues collapse further or the patient rolls over on his or her back, the airway may become completely obstructed. Whether the obstruction is incomplete (hypopnea) or total (apnea), the patient struggles to breathe and is aroused from sleep. Often, arousals are only partial and are unrecognized by the patient, even if they occur hundreds of times a night. The obstructive episodes are often associated with a reduction in oxyhemoglobin saturation.